Craig Fisk .co .uk

What is a web component and where can I use them?

January 12th 2022

Back in January I gave a talk to my local tech meet up Chester Devs around the strategy i'm implementing at my Lead Engineer role @ Qa Ltd around micro front end architecture and how the web component based component library was central to that strategy.

I then went into more depth of the basics of how to build and use web components. The blurb I gave for the talk originally was this:

I’ve been developing front end component libraries for over 5 years across multiple industries and different scales, but when looking to split a recent project from being a monolith into micro front ends I jumped at the opportunity to implement a component library that could be shared across any platform an architecture using web components. In this talk I will go through the basics of web components, why I chose them and how they can be used in any project.